Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10 Compatibility Issues with CoreLogic MarketLinx MLS Systems

Until CoreLogic has certified that IE10 is fully compatible with its MLS systems, we recommend that Fusion and TEMPO5 users do not install Windows 8.



Friday, October 26, 2012

The major Fusion Upgrade has been completed

This upgrade includes the CMA Wizard addition to Fusion as well as many other features and improvements to the system.

* CMA Wizard and Reports
* Financial Functions
* Business Reports
* Report Manafer with Internet Explorer ONLY
* Request a showing icon; link is on Results Fly-Out or Details Links bar only.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The next major Fusion Upgrade is then scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2012.

During this upgrade, Tempo and Fusion will be unavailable from 5:30 am to approximately 8:30 am CST. This upgrade will include the CMA Wizard addition to Fusion as well as many other features and improvements to the system.

Monday, October 15, 2012


SQL Server Updates are scheduled for Thursday, October 18, 2012. This will begin at 10:45 pm CST until approximately 2:00 am CST.

Friday, October 5, 2012

As of this morning TransactionDesk has a new folder on all Users accounts labeled Fannie Mae Forms.

This includes Fannie Mae's approved REO forms:

* Contract Amendment Form

* Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint

* Notice of Termination

* Owner Occupant Certification

* Real Estate Purchase Addendum


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The new iOS 6 operating system that Apple recently released has been tested with the Supra eKEY app and is compatible on the following devices:

• iPhone 3GS

• iPhone 4

• iPhone 4S

• iPad 2

• New iPad

Please note that Supra has yet to receive a "Lightning" adapter from Apple, so we are not able to confirm that eKEY is compatible with the iPhone 5 at this time. The iPhone 5 uses a new connector called "Lightning" that is much smaller than Apple's previous 30-pin connector. As a result, the current Supra eKEY adapter required to interact with iBoxes will not plug directly into the iPhone 5.

Supra plans to support the iPhone 5. We will confirm compatibility as soon as we receive a Lightning connector from Apple and test it and make any changes to our products that are required. We are also exploring a fob/adapter design that may not require Apple's Lightning adapter, and we will provide more information on that as it becomes available.

Supra customers who wish to use the iPhone 5 with the eKEY app may want to consider delaying purchasing the iPhone 5 until the Lightning adapter is released and Supra testing is complete.

Thank you,

MLSOK Help Desk