Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Are you using Showing Assist?

It's come to our attention that many of you are still not utilizing this tool. This was put in place to help streamline the showing process for all. The problem occurs when a number of associates have not configured their ShowingAssist or just choose not to use it. ShowingAssist is and was meant to be the primary tool used to set-up showings. The maximum effectiveness of this tool can only be reached with everyone's participation. Please take the time if you haven't already to configure your ShowingAssist preferences. Click here for quick 3-5 minute tutorials.


  1. I HIGHLY resist being told I MUST use this function! I refuse to live attached to a computer! There is nothing wrong with direct contact to a listing Realtor to schedule a showing...never has been & will never be.

  2. There is also nothing wrong with pulling up to a gas pump and having an attendant fill your tank and never step out of the vehicle. But would you ever get fuel today if you insisted on that?

    There are some members and consumers today you would never reach or communicate with if you don’t do it electronically.

    No one has dictated to you that you must use the product, but why wouldn’t use a tool that allows you to do business as you always have and have that automatically recorded electronically without any expense or effort. With it also comes a lot of additional options and functionality not available before, contacted in multiple ways or one specific way your choice, plus Customizable Feedback for you and your Sellers to help with Marketing the property, plus conformity in effort by all involved in a Cooperative database which is what the MLS is all about to begin with.

    Showing Assist itself does not change the way you have always done business. You can direct all calls to come to you personally, you can still make any calls you want. You can also choose to avail yourself the advantage of technology and free yourself from a whole lot of redundant downtime and instead choose to do more productive activities that actually make you money.

    Most tools today are driven and brought to fruition on the ability to better serve the consumer in buying and selling not about the comfort and ease for the REALTOR®; for example, an electronic lockbox system is not in place for the convenience of the REALTORS® access to the property, but is primarily in place for the security of the home owner to be able to tell them who has been in their home and when and to control that ability. The availability of which is mandated by E&O Insurance coverage in the practice of working with consumers. This factor is often forgotten or dismissed all together in the equation.

    The Choice is all Yours.
